The Truth About Traditions

hasseman marketing traditions This time of year there is a lot of talk about “traditions.”  Sometimes we lean on them and they remind us of times with family and friends.  They can be powerfully positive.  But often today, I tend to hear about them with the lamenting tone that comes when people complain because they are not here any more. “No one does (blank) anymore.  It’s a shame.”   Here’s the thing.  I like (some) traditions as much as the next guy.  They can remind us of positive times and warmer times.  They might remind us of loved ones.  That’s all good.   But sometimes, traditions are just lazy.  We use them as something to hide behind. 1.  We do things because we have always done them.2.  We use them as a reason to blame others for our own unhappiness. If you are frustrated that people are not “respecting traditions,” then I want to give you some food for thought. Traditions Began Somewhere:  All traditions started somewhere.  Your amazing grandmother might have created that family tradition because it was something she enjoyed to do.  She might have wanted to share that with the family.  But they started somewhere.  They have not ALWAYS existed. Traditions Can Evolve:  As times change (and they do) maybe the tradition should too.  It’s great to be reminded of good times in the past.  It’s not great to be chained to them.  Make it fun for the next generation. You Can Start Your Own Tradition:  That sweet Grandma that started an amazing family tradition all those years ago did not just start a tradition.  She showed you the way.  If you want to continue to honor that memory, maybe you should take the lesson…and create your own.   So many times we wait for someone else to be the one to make the choice, start the line, create the memory.  Don’t wait.  Make your own memory.  Create your own tradition.   Make sure you never miss an update!  You can start the tradition of getting our VIP newsletter!  Sign up here.  

Written by: Kirby Hasseman

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing & Communications. Kirby hosts a weekly Web show called Delivering Marketing Joy where he interviews business leaders from around the country. Kirby has published four books. His most recent is “Fan of Happy.” His book, called "Delivering Marketing Joy" is about doing “promo right” and is perfect for people in the industry and customers. He also wrote “Think Big For Small Business” and “Give Your Way to Success. All are available on Amazon.