The Art Of Showing Up

the art of showing up

When it comes to chasing (nearly) any goal, there are so many factors that I can’t control.  These outside factors can make it daunting to even consider starting.  No matter the endeavor, or the person, I think we all see these roadblocks.  As we consider the journey, we even list them in our mind.

  • There is not enough time.
  • There are already people doing it.
  • I am not smart enough.
  • I am not talented enough.
  • No one will care what I have to say.
  • No one will want to buy from me.

You get the idea.  This list of roadblocks and excuses get larger the longer you dwell on them.  There are so many reasons why things will not work, there is a big percentage of people that will simply not try at all.  But here’s the thing about these roadblocks and excuses.  You can’t control most of them.  You can’t make yourself taller, or more handsome, or more talented.  You can’t wave a magic wand and create more time.  You can’t make people care what you have to say.

You really only have control over a few things.  You have the ability to improve your attitude.  You can change they way you think about challenges.  You can commit to viewing the inevitable challenges you will face with a smile.  You can embrace the art.

The Art of Showing Up.

You see, I cannot make myself more handsome or lucky.  I can’t become the quintessential writer of our time.  I will probably never be the most persuasive salesperson or the fastest runner.  But I can keep showing up.  Every day, I can post a blog.  Every day I can make that extra call.  Every day I can do the push ups or the run.  I control that.  I control my attitude and my effort.  And so do you.

Oh…and make no mistake…there IS an art to that.  Bob Dylan is remembered for the classic songs he wrote.  But what is forgotten is how many songs he wrote and recorded.  He was prolific.  Had he only recorded one album, we probably would not know who he was.  He kept working and writing and recording.  He kept grinding.  He kept showing up.

And then one day…he was a legend.

If you are wavering on your commitment today, I get it.  We all get tired and frustrated at times.  But on this morning, don’t worry about being perfect.  Don’t worry about being the best.  Just commit to the art of showing up…again and again.

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Getting Consistently Uncomfortable

hasseman marketing comfort If you have ever trained for a race (like a 5K for example) you know that the training involves doing just a little more than you are able to do.  You might start at a walk in order to get your body used to moving.  Then you work up to a 5 or 10 minute jog the next day.  As the days become weeks, you push yourself to the point where you are running for 30 minutes straight.  You might not be winning the race…but you can finish! You went from not being able to run 1/4 mile, to being able to comfortably finish running 3 miles in a row.   In other words, you go from “there’s no way I could do that” to “I can do it today…and tomorrow too.” That’s why physical fitness often creates great metaphors for life.  The most successful people, in any area of life, are the ones that are willing to consistently make themselves uncomfortable.  Some people do this because other people tell them to do it.  They go to work when others tell them to go, even though it’s early (or late) and they do it every day.  They do the tasks that are hard.  Often they work within a common vision to create something.  Those who are willing to do this over and over and over become the world’s best and most dedicated employees. Others are able to force themselves into the unknown. These are the people, with little or no supervision, do the things that most people are unable or unwilling to do.  They make the prospecting calls every day, calling people they don’t know.  They create the video and put it out into the world.  They create the company, and take on the risk to try to make it happen.  They get up an hour early to lace up their shoes and work out.   Either way, they know the thing they want to achieve will take them being uncomfortable…a lot.  Then they do it anyway. The interesting thing is, just like in the 5K, if you continually push yourself to do the uncomfortable, it becomes easier.  The task that was agonizing can become mundane.  The thing you dreaded can become routine.   When that happens, you have probably broken through a barrier in performance that will lift you up.  And then it might be time to get uncomfortable again. P.S.  If you are looking for a race to make you uncomfortable (but still be a ton of fun) you can check out the Hasseman Brewing 3.17 Mile Run on St. Paddy’s Day in Coshocton.  There will be great SWAG and beer!  It will be hosted at the Coshocton Yard.  Register here! Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up for our VIP newsletter here.  We send one email per week with all of the content from the week.  Feel free to sign up today. 

The First Step Is The Hardest

 Since my treadmill broke, I have had a tough time consistently working out in the morning.   It’s not that I never work out anymore.  I have made the conscious effort to do it.  I have worked out in the morning and I have gotten in steps in the evening.  At times, I have even done more…but it’s not consistent.  It’s not a part of my morning routine.  And I was trying to figure out why. Knowledge:  I mean, I know I need to do it.  Intellectually, I know it makes me healthier and it makes me feel better all day.  I have the knowledge that it needs to happen.  I even know how to get it done. Options:  In addition, there are plenty of other options.  I could walk outside.  Though I don’t like the cold temperatures, I could certainly do it.  I could go for a run.  I could go to a local facility called Kids America and walk around the track.  In addition, I have a DVD routine called P90X3.  I even kind of like that workout routine!   So while I know I should do it, and I know how to do it, I am struggling to make it happen!  It comes down to two reasons for me. The First Step:  While I know I need to workout, and I even like the workout, I do know it will be hard!  P90X3 is a pretty intense program.  So while I can do it in my basement, I need to get myself to go to my basement to get started.  Once I am in the basement, no problem.  It’s getting myself from upstairs to downstairs.  It’s simple…but not easy.  So many mornings, it’s just easier to hit the snooze button or decide to do it later.  It’s the first steps to go down the stairs that trip me up. No Routine:  This is the power of a routine (and why I talk about them a lot).  When the treadmill was there, I had a routine.  I did not have to think about it.  It had become a part of my morning.  I did not have to “make a decision” each morning to work out.  And since I did not have to burn mental calories, I almost always found myself on the treadmill. That is why I talk a lot about creating positive routines in our lives.  If we create them intentionally, then our subconscious mind can steer us (on autopilot) the direction we want to go.   “Great,” you might be thinking.  “But what if I don’t have a routine now?”  It’s time to start creating one.  We all have routines in our lives.  Most of the time, though, they are unintentional.  So now is a great time to start creating a positive routine, on purpose.  If you want a great book to help you get started, check out the “The 5 Second Rule,” by Mel Robbins. So regardless of what you want to create in your life, start to work toward it today.  It can happen, one small decision at a time.  As for me, I need to go work out. Make sure you never miss an update.  Sign up to be a VIP today.  You can sign up here. 

The 5 F’s of Goal Setting

In a staff meeting this week I was talking to the team about GOALS. As many of us start to wind down the year, it’s a great time to be introspective.

How did your year go?  Did you do the things you wanted to do?  Did you move toward your goals?  I talked about the 1 thing holding many people back here.

In addition, I spent a bit of time talking about my thoughts on big goals.  I believe you should stretch yourself.  These big goals are not Pass/Fail.  Read more on that here. But there is one thing that I don’t think we talk about enough when we talk about goal-setting.

If you want a well-rounded life, you should probably have well-rounded goals.

Most of us have goals that center around two areas; finance and fitness.  Though those are both important areas, they are not the only ones.   That’s why I talk about the 5 F’s of Goal Setting. Finance, Fitness, Family, Faith, and Fun.  If you want a well-rounded set of goals (and a well-rounded year), this is a good list to start with.

Finance:  This time of goal might center around how much money you want to make, how much you want to save or the sales number you want to achieve.

Fitness:  Do you want to lose 10lbs?  Want to run a half marathon?  Maybe you just want to improve your diet.  These are all great and they fall here.

Family:  This is the place where I remind myself that I want to spend time with those that I love.  Do I want to have a date night with my bride?  Do I want to do something specific with my girls?

Faith:  Do you want to give more?  Do you want to get involved and volunteer?  How can you make an impact in this area?

Fun:  Yes…I think this area is important too.  And it’s great if a few of these might overlap.  For example, if you want to take a great family vacation, that might cover two of the five “f’s.”

This is not a comprehensive list.  But it’s a great start to getting you thinking about creating a year that you will be excited to live.  Now let’s get them on paper!  Oh…and if you want to dig deeper on goals, we have created a FREE course on goal setting here.

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The Greatest Distance in the World

One of my favorite quotes is, “The greatest distance in the world is the distance between “I know” and “I do.”

It’s a quote I use all of the time.  Why?  Because most of the problems or challenges in our lives have simple answers.

They are simple…not easy.

We know that if we want to lose weight we need to eat less and work out more.  Simple.   We know if we want to write a book we need to write one page a day. We know if we want to make more sales, we need to make more sales calls.  Yep…still simple We “know” the answer to all of these.  We just don’t “do” them.

On the other hand, most long-term changes in our lives don’t come from sweeping, huge, wholesale changes.  Often, they come from making small changes that we are able to maintain.  I see people all of the time make huge dietary changes in their life.  They might even successfully lose a bunch of weight in a short period of time.  It’s exciting and it’s impressive.  It takes a huge amount of energy and discipline.   Then they stop.  The choices become too big.  They become too hard.  So make one “slip up” and they slide back into old habits.  They gain the weight back and are incredibly frustrated with themselves that they could not keep up the “diet.”

That’s why I often advocate for small changes.  You don’t have to start training for a marathon.  Start by taking a daily walk.  Create a routine that you can maintain and maybe (God forbid) enjoy!  You can create a foundation of success that you are excited to build upon.

The same is true in sales and business.  So often we think we need to make sweeping changes to improve.  They are great…but can you maintain them?  What if you just: Made one more sales call per day? Answered the phone one ring faster? Sent out one thank you per week? Wrote one helpful blog post?

Create small changes in your business and they can make a big difference down the road.  Then you can decrease the distance between “I know” and “I do” just a little bit each day.

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