Results Follow Effort

hasseman marketing effort Everyone wants results.  We want to see our dreams come true.  We want to have 6 pack abs.  We want fortune and fame.  We want.  But for the most part, we don’t “do.”  We dream.  We don’t execute. We are all guilty of it.  We really want to have amazing results.  But it’s so easy to look for the shortcut.  It’s one of the ways content marketing, or sales, or building a business, etc. are like fitness (I talk about that here).  We all want the quick fix. I was reminded of that as I looked at my sales activity over the last few weeks.  I have actually gotten into the habit of looking at my recorded sales activity BEFORE I look at my results.  Why?  Because I know it’s predictive.  If I do the work (and here’s they word) consistently, I will have better and more consistent results.  We all can have one flash week where we make a big splash.  Those weeks are awesome and they feel good.  But they are hard to replicate and even harder to predict.  If you want to create consistent results–in sales or in anything–you have to put in the consistent work. Results follow effort. So take some time as you read this to decide the pro-active actions you can take each day to lead to sales (or whatever result you want).  This list will be made up of things that you can do, that YOU have control over.  You don’t need someone else.  You can do them…and they (eventually) lead to sales.  These are called Lead Measures (this is from 4 Disciplines of Execution). Then create a place where you can track these activities.  It’s a place where you can create some accountability for yourself.  If you don’t do the work, you will know.  Now take the few extra moments to track the activity.  Don’t make excuses here.  As Nike says, “Just do it.” After you do this, start to look at how your “lead measures” correlate with your goals.  If you have chosen your lead measures correctly, they will.  Then you can have more control and accountability over the process. It’s up to you. Make sure you never miss an update!  It’s time to sign up for our VIP newsletter below.  We send out one email a week to recap all of the content we create each week.