DMJ 1 on 1: Answering Questions From The Audience

Each week on DMJ 1 on 1, Kirby Hasseman takes on a different topic to help provide value to those looking to grow a brand or organization.  Recently, he talked about 4 Things To Stop Doing On Social Media in 2024.  That episode spurred a lot of engagement and questions from the audience…and today he gives in and answers some questions from the audience!

This time on DMJ 1 on 1, Kirby addresses a range of questions from the audience, all centered around the key theme of content marketing. The discussion covers a broad spectrum of topics, from leveraging customer questions for content creation to the delicate balance of sales and value on social media. Kirby also shares his views on LinkedIn sales services and provides guidance on choosing the right social media platform and posting frequency. Finally, the conversation concludes with a discussion on the long-term commitment required for successful content marketing.

Using Customer Questions for Content Creation

To start, Kirby encourages using customer questions as a resource for content creation. He suggests writing down the 10 questions you get all the time and starting by answering those questions. This strategy not only helps in creating relevant content but also ensures that the content addresses the needs and concerns of the audience.

Moreover, Kirby emphasizes the importance of keeping your eyes and ears open for feedback, pushback, or follow-up questions to create new content. He believes that listening to customer questions helps clarify and expand upon existing content, thereby making it more comprehensive and useful for the audience.

Balancing Sales and Value on Social Media

One concern is being “too salesy.”  Kirby addresses concerns about being too salesy on social media and suggests a ratio of providing value to asking for a sale. He believes that constantly selling on social media can be a mistake; instead, the focus should be on providing value. He suggests a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of providing value to asking for a sale. Building trust and giving more than asking is important in the “give first economy.” This approach not only helps in building a loyal customer base but also ensures that the customers see value in the content and are more likely to engage with it.

Negative Impact of LinkedIn Sales Services

But what about “done for you” sales packages on LinkedIn?  Kirby expresses dislike for LinkedIn sales services and recommends personal research and connection building instead. He believes that LinkedIn sales services are overdone and ruin the platform. He suggests that building trust and relationships requires personal effort and research.

Moreover, content creators should share strategies and not worry about others copying their strategies. He believes that copying strategies and sharing content among content creators is beneficial and can lead to the creation of more diverse and engaging content.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform and Posting Frequency

Kirby also discusses the importance of choosing the right platform and frequency of posting based on the target audience. He suggests identifying the social media platform where the target audience spends the most time. Starting with one platform can be less overwhelming for beginners.

Furthermore, he emphasizes that the posting frequency should be as often as possible while maintaining good quality content. He believes that creating high-quality content consistently can help build a loyal audience and enhance brand visibility.

Long-Term Commitment to Content Marketing

“It’s a long-term game.”  Kirby emphasizes the long-term commitment required for content marketing and the importance of building brand awareness and trust. He suggests that content creators should commit to at least 12 to 18 months for content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is a long-term play for building brand awareness and trust. Content creators should focus on providing value and creating top-of-mind awareness. This approach not only helps in building a strong brand but also ensures that the audience sees value in the content and is more likely to engage with it.


What do you want to ask?  Now is a great time to reach out with questions for future episodes.  And if you are getting value, please feel free to subscribe and rate the podcast!

We hope you are getting lots of value out of these DMJ 1 on 1’s!  You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Lessons from DMJ: Peter Guirguis On Why You Have 5 Seconds Before Your Customer Leaves

Delivering Marketing Joy is an award-winning interview show that helps marketers level up.  Each week, Kirby Hasseman interviews the best and brightest minds in marketing to help you level up.  This time on Lessons from DMJ, Kirby talks with Peter Guirguis about why we only have 5 seconds before our customer leaves our website.  Watch now!

In episode 484 of Delivering Marketing Joy, seasoned digital expert Peter Guirguis takes us through his journey of building exceptional websites and launching Swift press support. His story is one of perseverance, innovation, and adaptability, offering valuable lessons for anyone looking to make their mark in the digital world. From initial struggles to the thrill of success, Peter’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of staying ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Peter also shares his insights on the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on web and landing page design, the key elements for high-conversion landing pages, and his predictions on the future of the digital landscape. He emphasizes the need for flexibility, a growth mindset, and seizing new opportunities in the face of emerging technologies. So, let’s dive into the world of digital marketing with Peter Guirguis.

Struggling to Make Money Online

Like many entrepreneurs, Peter’s journey wasn’t always smooth sailing. He initially struggled to make money online, trying various ideas but failing to generate significant income. His motivation was to provide enough income for his wife to stay at home, a noble cause that fueled his determination.

He experimented with creating mini-courses on time management and productivity, among other things. However, after making only one sale, he realized the need to change his approach. This period of struggle was a turning point for Peter, pushing him to rethink his strategies and explore new avenues.

Starting a Business with White Labeling

It was during this time of self-reflection that Peter stumbled upon an opportunity to do a white-labeling website design for a marketing agency. This was a pivotal moment in his career, as it not only helped him discover his passion for website design but also laid the foundation for his business.

Building his business through referrals, Peter spent nine years in the industry, honing his skills and expanding his network. Looking back, he reflects on the journey of starting his business, the challenges he overcame, and the satisfaction of seeing his hard work pay off.

The Influence of AI on Web and Landing Page Design

As a digital expert, Peter recognizes the role of AI in web and landing page design. He discusses the significance of prompt engineering in utilizing AI effectively for content creation. According to him, prompt engineering is crucial in getting the best output from AI.

He also explores tools like chat GPT and framer that use AI to enhance user experience and create website designs. These tools, he believes, are revolutionizing the way we approach website design, making it more interactive and user-friendly.

Essential Elements for High-Conversion Landing Pages

Designing landing pages that drive high conversion rates is an art, and Peter shares his secrets to mastering this art. He emphasizes the importance of the hero element above the fold, particularly the headline. A clear and compelling headline that communicates the benefit of the product or service can make all the difference.

He also highlights the problem-solving aspect of a product or service, advising marketers to understand their ideal clients and create content that resonates with them. By focusing on the problem-solving aspect, you can create a connection with your audience and increase your chances of conversion.

The Future of the Digital Landscape

Looking ahead, Peter shares his insights on the evolving digital landscape. He predicts potential job losses due to AI advancements, a reality that many industries are already grappling with. However, he also sees this as an opportunity for individuals to adapt and evolve.

He emphasizes the importance of flexibility and a growth mindset in adapting to changing technologies. By seizing new opportunities and avoiding a fixed mindset, individuals can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the digital landscape. As Peter puts it, “The future belongs to those who are willing to learn, adapt, and grow.”


From struggling to make money online to launching his own successful business, Peter’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptability. His insights on the influence of AI, the art of designing high-conversion landing pages, and the future of the digital landscape offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to make their mark in the digital world.

Peter invites viewers to visit his website, to learn more about his services and his journey. As he continues to innovate and adapt in the ever-evolving digital landscape, Peter’s story serves as an inspiration for all aspiring digital entrepreneurs.

You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

Lessons from DMJ: Frank Husmann on Becoming the Authority in your Niche

Delivering Marketing Joy is an award-winning interview show that helps marketers level up.  Each week, Kirby Hasseman interviews the best and brightest minds in marketing to help you level up.  This time on Lessons from DMJ, Kirby talks with Frank Husmann about becoming the authority in your niche.  Watch now!

In this insightful video interview, Kirby talks to Frank Husmann, the founder of Maxiality. Frank shared his expertise on authority marketing, particularly for B2B companies. The conversation was a deep dive into the intricacies of becoming an authority in your niche, a feat that is not easily achieved but can be incredibly rewarding. The discussion touched on various aspects of authority marketing, from understanding what it entails to starting a successful campaign and avoiding common pitfalls.

Frank also highlighted the importance of demand generation in B2B marketing, explaining how it differs from lead generation and why it’s more effective in the modern B2B landscape. He also shared some practical tips on creating a pleasant buying journey for potential customers. Finally, he offered some advice on authority marketing and shared where viewers can find more information about him and his work.

What is Authority Marketing?

Authority marketing is a strategic approach that involves showcasing your expertise in a particular niche to establish yourself as an authority. This process is not a one-time event but a continuous effort that requires consistency and dedication. By consistently demonstrating your knowledge and skills, you gradually build credibility and trust with your audience, positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field.

Frank emphasized that the key to successful authority marketing lies in identifying the main topics you want to be known for and creating content around them. This content can take various forms, including podcasts, YouTube videos, blog articles, and email newsletters. The goal is to consistently show your expertise over time, which will help establish your authority in your niche.

Starting an Authority Marketing Campaign

Starting an authority marketing campaign requires a clear understanding of your niche and the main topics you want to be known for. Once you’ve identified these topics, the next step is to create content around them. This content should be informative, engaging, and valuable to your audience. It should demonstrate your expertise and provide solutions to the problems your audience is facing.

Frank suggested using various content formats to reach a wider audience. These can include podcasts, YouTube videos, blog articles, and email newsletters. Consistency is key in authority marketing. By regularly producing high-quality content, you can gradually establish your authority in your niche and become the go-to expert for your audience.

Common Pitfalls in Authority Marketing

While authority marketing can be highly effective, there are common pitfalls that marketers should avoid. One of these is being too salesy. While it’s important to promote your products or services, your primary focus should be on addressing the questions and problems of your prospects. By providing valuable solutions, you can build trust and credibility with your audience.

Another common pitfall is focusing too much on personal stories at the expense of showcasing your expertise. While personal stories can help humanize your brand and build a connection with your audience, they should not overshadow your expertise. Instead, they should be tied to your expertise and used to reinforce your authority in your niche.

Demand Generation in B2B Marketing

Demand generation is a crucial aspect of B2B marketing. Unlike lead generation, which focuses on generating leads, demand generation focuses on creating demand for your products or services. This involves targeting the 97% of people who are not yet in the market for your products or services.

Frank suggested using various channels to showcase your expertise and create demand. These can include YouTube, LinkedIn, and articles. He also recommended using tactics like LinkedIn ads and LinkedIn Live to reach a wider audience and generate demand. By focusing on demand generation, you can position yourself as a top choice when your prospects are ready to make a purchase.

Lead Generation vs. Demand Generation

While lead generation and demand generation are both important aspects of B2B marketing, Frank argued that demand generation is more effective in the modern B2B landscape. Lead generation focuses on generating leads, while demand generation focuses on creating demand for your products or services and being on the shortlist of potential customers.

By focusing on demand generation, you can target the 97% of people who are not yet in the market for your products or services. This allows you to build awareness and credibility with a wider audience, increasing the chances of being considered when they are ready to make a purchase.

Creating a Pleasant Buying Journey

Creating a pleasant buying journey is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. This involves providing clear and transparent pricing information on your website and making it easy for prospects to get in touch and qualify themselves. By making the buying process as smooth and straightforward as possible, you can improve customer satisfaction and increase the chances of repeat business.

Frank also suggested automating processes and using forms or API calls to gather information about prospects. This can help streamline the buying process and provide valuable insights into your customer’s needs and preferences, allowing you to tailor your offerings accordingly.


In conclusion, the video interview with Frank Husmann provided valuable insights into authority marketing for B2B companies. From understanding what authority marketing is and how to start a successful campaign, to avoiding common pitfalls and understanding the importance of demand generation, the discussion covered a wide range of topics. Frank also shared some practical tips on creating a pleasant buying journey and offered advice on authority marketing. For those interested in learning more, Frank can be found at, where he offers a free video training on authority marketing.

You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.

4 Things To STOP Doing on Social Media in 2024

As we approach 2024, it’s time to reevaluate our social media habits. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so too should our approach to it. This article discusses four key behaviors that need to be left behind as we move forward. These practices not only hinder personal growth but can also negatively impact businesses and their online presence. By understanding and addressing these habits, we can use social media more effectively and positively.

These four areas of focus include incessant selling without providing value, arguing with strangers on the internet, calling out other businesses for their practices, and comparing one’s life and success to others on social media. Each of these behaviors can lead to negative outcomes, from damaging a business’s reputation to causing personal dissatisfaction and unhappiness. It’s time to shift our focus and use social media as a tool for growth, both personally and professionally.

Stop Incessantly Selling Without Providing Value

The first point to address is the habit of incessantly selling on social media without providing any value. Businesses often fall into the trap of using social media solely as a platform for constant sales pitches. This approach, however, can be off-putting to audiences and may lead to a decrease in engagement and followers.

Instead, businesses should focus on providing value to their audience before asking for sales. This can be achieved by sharing useful content, engaging with followers, and building a community around your brand. By building trust and integrity through valuable content, businesses can foster a more loyal customer base and lead to more successful sales in the long run.

Stop Arguing with Strangers on the Internet

The second point is to stop arguing with strangers on the internet. As we head into an election cycle, the temptation to engage in online debates can be strong. However, these arguments are rarely productive and can be detrimental to mental health and business reputation.

Instead of wasting time arguing, focus on personal growth and filling your mind with positive content. Engage in discussions that are beneficial and constructive. As the election cycle approaches, it’s important to remember that getting caught up in online debates that serve no purpose will only lead to stress and negativity.

Stop Calling Out Other Businesses for Their Practices

The third point is to stop calling out other businesses for their practices. While it’s important to hold businesses accountable, constantly criticizing others takes attention away from personal growth and improvement. It also creates a negative online environment and can harm your own business’s reputation.

Instead, focus on providing value to customers and reaching more potential customers. Look for ways to improve your own business and practices. Shift the focus from what others are doing wrong to what can be done better in your own business. This positive approach can lead to better business outcomes and a more positive online presence.

Stop Comparing Your Life to Others on Social Media

The fourth and final point is to stop comparing one’s life and success to others on social media. This habit can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness, as it’s easy to feel inadequate when comparing oneself to the highlight reels often showcased on social media.

Remember that social media is not a full reflection of someone’s life. It’s important to avoid comparing behind-the-scenes struggles to others’ seemingly perfect lives online. Instead, use social media as a tool for inspiration and growth, not as a measure of personal success.


As we move into 2024, it’s important to use social media responsibly and positively. These platforms can be powerful tools for personal and business growth when used correctly. By avoiding these four common pitfalls, we can create a more positive online environment and use social media to its full potential.

As always, we want to provide you with value.  So if you want to create marketing campaigns (and appreciation gifts) that hit the TARGET, check out our TARGET marketing playbook here.

Lessons from Delivering Marketing Joy Episode 481…Shawn Anthony Talks Podcasting

Delivering Marketing Joy is an award-winning interview show that helps marketers level up.  Each week, Kirby Hasseman interviews the best and brightest minds in marketing to help you level up.

In this episode, we are joined by Shawn Anthony, the founder of Pod Pro Max and the host of the “School’s Out, Now What?” podcast. Shawn discovered the world of podcasting during a drive and was instantly captivated. He felt he had a unique voice and perspective that he could share with the world, and thus, his journey into podcasting began. This article will delve into Shawn’s story, the power of podcasting for brand growth, advice for starting a podcast, and common mistakes in podcasting and how to fix them.

Shawn’s story is one of success, guilt, and a desire to connect with others. He found success in his corporate career but felt disconnected from his friends who were still figuring out their paths. This guilt, coupled with his realization that he could use his voice to share his background and experiences, led to the birth of the “School’s Out, Now What?” podcast. The podcast resonates with many as it explores the journey after formal education ends, a topic that many can relate to.

The Story Behind “School’s Out, Now What?”

Shawn Anthony’s journey into podcasting began with a sense of guilt. Despite his success in the corporate world, he felt disconnected from his friends who were still trying to figure out their careers. He felt the need to share his experiences and background, and thus, the “School’s Out, Now What?” podcast was born. The podcast resonated with many people, as it tackled the often daunting question of what to do after school ends.

Shawn’s story is a testament to the power of using one’s voice to connect with others. His podcast is not just about his personal journey, but also about the shared experiences of many who are trying to navigate their careers. The success of “School’s Out, Now What?” is a testament to the power of relatable content and the importance of using one’s unique voice and perspective.

The Power of Podcasting for Brand Growth

Podcasting offers a unique platform for individuals to create their own narrative and be the storyteller. This is a powerful way to grow a brand, as it allows the individual to be in charge of their own life and talk about various topics that resonate with them. Podcasting can be used to share courses, hobbies, world events, and more, making it a versatile platform for brand growth.

Shawn encourages everyone, regardless of their category or industry, to start a podcast or be on one. The power of podcasting lies in its ability to reach a wide audience and create a personal connection with listeners. It’s a platform where you can share your story, your insights, and your passions, and in doing so, grow your brand.

Advice for Starting a Podcast

For those considering starting a podcast, Shawn offers some practical advice. He recommends launching with at least three episodes to create a binge-listening experience for listeners. The first episode should introduce the host and share their journey to podcasting. The second episode should explain the structure and format of the show, and the third episode should deliver on the promises made in the second episode.

Consistency is key in podcasting. Shawn recommends releasing episodes once a week to keep listeners engaged and coming back for more. It’s important to deliver on the promises made in the episodes and to maintain a consistent release schedule to build trust and loyalty with the audience.

Mistakes in Podcasting and How to Fix Them

Despite the many benefits of podcasting, there are common mistakes that organizations and individuals make. One such mistake is forgetting their own character and personality. Podcasts should embrace the unique personalities of their hosts, as this is what makes them relatable and engaging to listeners. Another common mistake is focusing too much on teaching rather than having a general conversation. Podcasts should prioritize conversation over a handbook approach to keep listeners engaged.

Legal concerns can also hinder authenticity and personality in podcasts. It’s important to be aware of legal considerations, but they should not overshadow the authenticity and personality of the podcast. By embracing their unique personalities, prioritizing conversation, and not letting legal concerns hinder authenticity, organizations, and individuals can create engaging and successful podcasts.


Shawn Anthony’s journey into podcasting is a testament to the power of using one’s voice to connect with others and grow a brand. His advice on starting a podcast and avoiding common mistakes offers valuable insights for anyone considering entering the world of podcasting. For more information about Shawn and his company, visit and

You can find all of the content we create on our blog page here.  And if you want to create a marketing campaign that truly Hits The TARGET, check our FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook here.