We Can’t Use “Busy” As The Excuse Now

I saw a post on Facebook the other day that made me smile.  It read “After years of wanting to thoroughly clean my house but lacking the time, now I discovered that wasn’t the reason.”  It’s funny because we can all relate.  It’s the idea of something we know we should do, but most of us don’t do.  We might even want to do it, but don’t have the desire or discipline.

During this strange time, many of us are coming face to face with the “busy” excuse.

I have said for years that we are not “too busy” to do the things we want.  For most of us, we simply don’t prioritize what we say we want.  We just don’t make the time to execute.  Busy is just an excuse.  And now, with more time on our hands than we are used to, some of us are finding that out.  But instead of taking advantage of the time, we are taking to social media to complain that we are bored.

For the last several years, busy has been the most over-used word in the English language.  It was the answer to nearly every question in small talk (How are the kids?  Busy!).  But more importantly, it became the excuse for not being able to work on yourself, chase your dreams, or do the things you knew you should do.

And now…busy is not your excuse.

How do you make time to create content?  I am too busy!

I can’t carve out the time to exercise…too busy.

I wish I had time to meditate, learn a language, or read a book.  My life is just too busy.

There is plenty to be anxious about during this new time we are living in.  But the good news, if you choose to look at it this way, is that you have gotten your time back.  You are not “too busy.”  So what will you do with it?  Will you binge watch a new series on Netflix?  Will you spend even more time on social media mindlessly scrolling your life away?

Or will you take the time to work on something that will give you purpose and growth?  It’s your call.  You are not “too busy.”

Thanks for reading!  I am taking this time to write more and create more content. You can find most of it here on our blog page.  And please feel free to sign up for our VIP list.  We send out one email each week with all of the content in one place.

When "Busy" Is A Good Thing

hasseman marketing busy If you have been around me, listened to podcasts like this one, or read this blog, you might know that I think “busy” is the most over-used word in the English language today. I believe that because the word “busy” has become one of two things.   1.  First it has become an excuse of why we can’t do things we really want to or need to?  How could we possibly have time to work toward our dreams?  We are too busy. 2.  Second, it has become lazy speak.  It’s just the answer you give…whether you mean it or not. So, as I said, I am not a fan of the word “busy.” But then I woke up this morning and thought about my schedule.  I just got back from a two day road trip.  I have another out of the office day on Friday.  Today, in my schedule, I have 1 day to jam in 3 days of activity.  My schedule was decidedly busy…and I was excited about it. That’s when I had a simple realization. You know you are doing the right thing, when you are busy and you are happy about it.  If your schedule is full for the day and you are fired up to attack the day, it shows your passion.  If you get to the end of the day wondering “where did that day go?” and you feel satisfied, you are probably working on the right projects. This is when you the word “busy” stops being an excuse.  It starts to become an excited descriptor.  When I started my business I used to say “When I’m bored, I’m poor.”  It spoke to the idea that I was excited to be busy.  It was important to my success. So start looking for those things that you are excited to tackle.  These are the things that will keep you busy…but in a good way. Make sure you never miss an update.  I know you are busy!  But once a week, we send out our VIP newsletter with all of the content for the week in one place.  You can get signed up for that here.